Best Greek Coffee Roasters for the Ultimate Coffee Lovers

“To me, the smell of fresh-made coffee is one of the greatest inventions.” — Hugh Jackman

Diving into the vibrant coffee culture of Greece, I’ve embarked on a captivating journey to uncover the top coffee roasters in Greece. From the bustling streets of Athens to charming spots like Cherchez La Femme and Mokka, my exploration has led me to a treasure trove of premium Greek coffee brands and the best Hellenic coffee roasters. These are establishments that blend tradition with modernity, ensuring that every coffee enthusiast can indulge in the ultimate coffee experience.

Whether it’s the bustling ambiance of Dope Roasting Co. or the historic charm of Rizopoulos, there is something uniquely rewarding about savoring coffee that has been crafted with passion and precision over generations. Join me as I guide you through a curated list of premium Greek coffee brands that stand tall for their exceptional flavor profiles and dedication to quality. Let’s explore these best Hellenic coffee roasters that promise to deliver unparalleled satisfaction.

Key Takeaways – Best Greek Coffee Roasters

  • The top coffee roasters in Greece showcase a blend of tradition and contemporary practices.
  • Premium Greek coffee brands are known for their meticulous bean selection and unique flavors.
  • Rizopoulos has been a staple in Greek coffee since 1901, highlighting the importance of heritage.
  • Must-visit spots include Dope Roasting Co., ANANA Coffee & Food, and Mokka Coffee.
  • Greek coffee roasters offer a range of roasts from classic to dark, catering to diverse palates.

The Rich History of Greek Coffee Roasters

Greek coffee roasting companies boast a rich legacy intertwined with the nation’s extensive history, dating back to traditional kafenios where the elderly gathered to discuss philosophy and democracy. These kafenios weren’t just establishments serving coffee; they were cultural hubs where the fabric of society was woven with every cup, fostering debates and camaraderie among patrons.

One of the prominent figures in the contemporary scene of Greek coffee roasting companies is Taf. Operating for well over a decade, Taf has established itself as a specialty coffee roaster of significant repute. Located in close proximity to Taf, Mr. Bean demonstrates how Athens is a hotbed of coffee culture, with notable artisan Greek coffee roasters nestled close to one another.

Peek-A-Bloom, found off a quiet side street of Lekka, blends its identity as a brunch café, roastery, and cocktail bar, appealing to a diverse range of coffee enthusiasts by offering a versatile coffee experience. Contrasting Peek-A-Bloom’s laid-back approach, Kaya, a takeaway-only establishment, showcases a commitment to delivering exquisite coffee efficiently, perfectly mirroring the bustling pace of Athens.

In addition to these modern spots, the historic Rizopoulos coffee shop stands as a testament to tradition, celebrating 120 years of providing the best Greek coffee since 1901. The family recipe, originated by Charalampos Rizopoulos, offers three roasting levels—classic (“blonde”), dark, and black—attracting coffee lovers with a preference for variety.

Tailor Made, noted for its charming terrace, appeals to those seeking cold drip coffee and unique Japanese whiskey pairings, while The Underdog has garnered international acclaim for its award-winning specialty coffee.

The blending of the old and new continues with the Warehouse Project, a café and wine bar offering Greek-style tapas and an extensive selection of wines slightly removed from the city center. This confluence of traditionalism and innovation is at the core of what makes Greek coffee roasting companies so unique.

Renowned artisan Greek coffee roasters like Lumidi Coffee Roasters combine time-honored roasting techniques with innovative practices, creating rich, flavorful blends that reflect Greece’s dynamic past and evolving coffee culture. This marriage of the old and new ensures that every cup tells a story, bridging generational gaps and inviting coffee lovers to savor Greece’s storied heritage with each flavorful sip.

Features of Premium Greek Coffee Best Greek Coffee Roasters Brands

When it comes to the best Greek coffee roasters, premium brands stand out for their commitment to quality and flavor. Many of these Greek specialty coffee roasters ensure their beans are organic and Fair Trade, adding an ethical dimension to their delicious brews. Roasting methods are just as important; these roasters often recommend using a French press to extract the most flavorful coffee experiences.

Take ANANA Coffee & Food, for instance. They prioritize fully traceable products to maintain both quality and sustainability, appealing to coffee connoisseurs who care about their beans’ origin. Their product offerings span from limited edition blends like Pumpkin Spice and Winter Magic to more robust flavors such as Dark Shadow and Deep Decaf. All these options are dairy-free, sugar-free, and vegan-friendly, catering to a diverse range of dietary preferences.

Brewing instructions suggest a precise 14g to 16g of coffee per 8 oz of boiling water, whether you prefer French press or drip coffee. The best Greek coffee roasters emphasize maximum freshness and recommend grinding coffee beans right before brewing. Additionally, the price range for these premium coffees varies from $20.99 to $137.99, ensuring there’s something for every budget.

Below is a detailed comparison of regional characteristics and ideal growing conditions for some of the finest coffee beans sourced by these roasters:

Region Characteristics Altitude (meters) Tasting Notes
Central America Moderate to high acidity, light to moderate body 500-2000 Citrus, floral
South America Moderate to moderate-low acidity, good body 800-1200 Nutty, chocolatey
Africa High to moderate-high acidity, full body 500-2000 Berry, red wine, citrus
Southeast Asia Low acidity, full body 500-2000 Dark chocolate, spices

The attention to detail in bean selection and the mastery in roasting are what make these premium Greek coffee brands a delight for local and international aficionados alike. With such dedication, it’s no wonder why they are among the most revered Greek specialty coffee roasters.

Artisan Greek Coffee Roasters to Explore

Exploring Greece’s coffee culture is a delightful journey, especially when you discover artisan roasters sprinkled throughout the country. The cretan coffee roasters offer an authentic local experience, with Monogram in Crete leading the way. Their commitment to quality and tradition while embracing modern roasting techniques guarantees a rich coffee experience.

In Athens, several top roasters stand out. Athens coffee roasters such as Taf Coffee have gained recognition for their dedication to high-quality beans and innovative brews. Each visit to these establishments promises unforgettable flavors and a true appreciation of coffee artistry.

Athens’ vibrant coffee scene also includes standout spots like LOT 51, known for its exceptional coffee and delightful cuisine. Another gem is Dope Roasting Co., famed for their expertly sourced beans and diverse coffee offerings. Meanwhile, The Underdog captures hearts with its cozy vibes and outstanding service, offering a perfect retreat for coffee enthusiasts.

Here’s a quick look at the distribution of Kudu Coffee Roasters’ products, showcasing the extensive reach across Greek islands:

Island Locations Cafes Featuring Kudu
Crete 17 16
Naxos 2 1
Paros 4 3
Antiparos 1 1
Tinos 3 2
Sifnos 1 1
Koufonisia 1 1
Santorini 2 2
Kimolos 1 1
Syros 1 1
Andros 2 2
Chios 1 1
Mykonos 2 2
Evia 5 5
Paxoi 1 1
Samos 3 2
Folegandros 1 1
Ikaria 1 1
Schoinousa 1 1

It’s evident that both cretan coffee roasters and athens coffee roasters are at the forefront of Greece’s thriving coffee culture. Their dedication to quality and innovation ensures coffee lovers can indulge in a myriad of unique and flavorful experiences throughout the country.

The Best Greek Coffee Roasters

The search for the best Greek coffee roasting companies often leads to a few standout names that anyone venturing into the vibrant coffee culture of Greece should know. Each of these roasters has earned its reputation through a commitment to quality, innovation, and an understanding of true Greek coffee traditions.

Lumidi Coffee Roasters

Located in the heart of Athens, Lumidi Coffee Roasters has made a name for itself with top-notch beans and an extensive range of premium greek coffee brands. Founded by three visionary brothers in the 1920s, the brand has come to symbolize the essence of Greek coffee craftsmanship. Their beans are carefully roasted to deliver a rich, powerful taste that captures the full spectrum of aromatic infusions, making them a must-visit among greek coffee roasting companies.


Carpo uniquely combines the art of coffee roasting with gourmet offerings such as chocolates and honey, making the coffee experience more than just a morning ritual. Known for their selection of high-quality Arabica beans, Carpo stands as one of the premium greek coffee brands offering a thick, creamy, and aromatic cup of coffee. Each visit is an exploration of flavors and textures, blending the best of artisanal products.

Samba Coffee Roasters

Samba Coffee Roasters is celebrated for their expertly crafted coffee, provided by baristas who understand the delicate balance of coffee-to-water ratios to achieve that perfect strength. Their commitment to quality and tradition sets them apart, making them one of the key players among greek coffee roasting companies. Embracing both tradition and modern techniques, Samba Coffee Roasters ensures an unforgettable coffee experience.

Athens Coffee Roasters You Should Visit

Exploring Athens’ vibrant coffee scene reveals a treasure trove of roasters dedicated to the craft. As an avid coffee enthusiast, I have encountered several standout spots offering not just the finest beans, but also a captivating coffee experience. From the meticulous selection at Taf Coffee to Motiv’s excellent customer service, here’s a look at some of the best Athens coffee roasters that coffee lovers should not miss.

Taf Coffee

Taf Coffee is a cornerstone among Athens coffee roasters, famed for importing high-quality green coffee. Their commitment to visiting coffee farms worldwide ensures that each cup tells a story of its origin. The café is a haven for connoisseurs seeking the best Greek coffee roasters, offering a variety of exquisite brews that celebrate both tradition and innovation.


Motiv stands out not only for its carefully curated coffee selections, rated 86+ on the rating scale, but also for its dedication to superb customer engagement. This institution is popular among locals and is consistently recommended for both its coffee and the welcoming atmosphere. Motiv truly exemplifies what makes Athens coffee roasters exceptional, setting a high bar for quality and service.

Dope Roasting Co.

Dope Roasting Co. offers a unique blend of cozy ambiance and cutting-edge coffee science. Roasting unique blends and single-origin beans daily, they manage to combine small-batch volumes with exceptional quality. Visiting Dope Roasting Co. is a must for anyone wanting to explore the best Greek coffee roasters in the heart of Athens.

The allure of Athens’ coffee culture is undeniably strong, with establishments that have stood the test of time and new spots that quickly become favorites. Whether you’re seeking traditional Greek coffee or a modern brew, the city’s coffee roasters deliver an unforgettable experience.

Greek Specialty Coffee Roasters: What Sets Them Apart?

Exploring the realm of Greek specialty coffee roasters reveals a dedication to quality that is truly unmatched. These roasters focus intently on sourcing single-origin beans, ensuring that each cup has a distinct and vibrant character. Take Taf Coffee for example, established initially as a Greek-coffee roastery and later expanding its offerings to include espresso and filter coffee roasts.

In 2006, Taf made a strategic shift to emphasize quality. This transformation was led by Yiannis Taloumis, who introduced the Direct Relationship Program to source coffees directly from farmers. His commitment to quality was further cemented when he became a Licensed Q Grader, a prestigious coffee certification.

Taf Coffee Shop, which opened its doors in Athens in 2009, is a testament to Taf’s journey and growth. They have also introduced two exotic coffee varieties: Geisha from Panama in 2008 and Sidra from Colombia in 2015.

What makes top coffee roasters in Greece, such as Taf, stand out is their ability to source beans from diverse regions like Guatemala, Costa Rica, Rwanda, and Colombia. This variety is complemented by offerings like the Taloumis Family Limited Reserve and Single Estate Coffees, which cater to premium coffee enthusiasts.

Another fascinating aspect is Taf’s approach to meeting increasing demand, which has led to multiple roastery expansions, now including three Probat roasters. Their future plans involve further expanding their premises and establishing more Taf Points and Cultivos Coffee locations.

greek specialty coffee roasters

Overall, the legacy of these Greek specialty coffee roasters spans over 120 years. They have become a cornerstone in the coffee industry by continually innovating and maintaining a high standard of quality. This deep-seated heritage underscores why Greek specialty coffee roasters like Taf are among the top coffee roasters in Greece.

Their commitment to crafting exceptional coffee experiences, from sourcing to roasting, sets them apart in the global coffee landscape.

Thessaloniki Coffee Roasters Worth Trying

Thessaloniki offers a rich and vibrant coffee culture dating back to the early 18th century. Among the best Hellenic coffee roasters in this historic city, a couple of places truly stand out for their dedication to the perfect brew.

Cultivos Coffee Shop

The Cultivos Coffee Shop is an exceptional spot in Thessaloniki, blending friendly service with consistent, high-quality brews. One of the standout elements of Cultivos is their meticulous approach to sourcing beans, roasting them to perfection, and then carefully crafting each cup. This shop reflects the essence of fine Thessaloniki coffee roasters and embodies the rich tradition of Greek coffee culture. Whether you’re enjoying a traditional Greek coffee, a modern espresso, or even a specialty brew, Cultivos promises an enriching experience.

Cupaki Street Espresso

Another noteworthy establishment among the best Hellenic coffee roasters is Cupaki Street Espresso. Not only does this venue excel at producing exquisite espresso, but it also delights visitors with its stylish modern decor and a diverse menu featuring popular sandwiches and cakes. Emphasizing unfiltered Greek coffee alongside its espresso offerings, Cupaki harmoniously merges tradition with contemporary preferences, catering to every kind of coffee enthusiast. This place is a must-visit for those wanting to delve into the vibrant Thessaloniki coffee culture.

Coffee Shop Specialties Atmosphere Location
Cultivos Coffee Shop Traditional Greek Coffee, Specialty Brews Friendly, Consistent Thessaloniki
Cupaki Street Espresso Espresso, Greek Coffee, Sandwiches & Cakes Modern, Stylish Thessaloniki

Thessaloniki’s coffee scene is a testament to the city’s enduring love for quality coffee, making it a paradise for coffee aficionados. From the historical kafenios to modern coffee shops, exploring the best Hellenic coffee roasters in Thessaloniki promises an unforgettable experience full of delightful aromas and rich flavors.

Spotlight on Cretan Coffee Roasters

My journey through Crete led me to some hidden gems among the island’s artisan Greek coffee roasters. One standout in particular is Monogram in Chania, which surprised me with its exceptional single-origin coffees. As I sipped on their meticulously brewed creations, I found the perfect setting for a tranquil coffee break, surrounded by the rustic charm of Cretan landscapes.

Monogram’s success is rooted in their emphasis on the purity of their beans and the craft of roasting, granting them a special place among the celebrated cretan coffee roasters. Their attention to detail and commitment to quality is evident in every cup, reflecting the essence of artisan Greek coffee roasters who cherish tradition while embracing innovation.

Here’s a closer look at some key players contributing to Crete’s thriving coffee scene:

Established Unique Offerings Location
Harry’s Kitchen Traditional pies with generational recipes Chania
Dope Roasting Co. 24-hour cold brew process, modern frappé and freddo Athens
Volvi Souvlaki grilled over kermes wood Thessaloniki
To Laini Ingredient-sourced directly from family farms in Crete Heraklion

Experiencing the offerings of Cretan coffee roasters like Monogram not only enhanced my appreciation for Greece’s rich coffee culture but also provided a deeper connection to the artisanal traditions that these local roasters embody.

The Role of Greek Coffee Roasting Companies in the Industry

Greek coffee roasting companies have deeply influenced both local and international coffee markets by blending time-honored practices with modern innovation. I am often amazed by their commitment to preserving tradition while embracing new techniques.

BeanHaus Coffee Roasters

BeanHaus Coffee Roasters stands out among the best Greek coffee roasters. Their expertise in sourcing beans from around the globe has captured the attention of coffee enthusiasts. The commitment to selecting premium beans ensures each cup is an extraordinary experience.


Kross is another exemplary name in the realm of Greek coffee roasting companies. This roaster anchors its philosophy in the third-wave coffee culture, which emphasizes quality, flavor, and direct trade practices. They are particularly known for their meticulous house blend and delightful pastries, making them a favorite among the best Greek coffee roasters.

As the Greek coffee industry continues to grow, the role of prominent coffee roasting companies like BeanHaus and Kross becomes even more significant. Their ability to fuse traditional methods with cutting-edge coffee culture innovations ensures they remain at the forefront of the industry.

Top Coffee Roasters in Greece: Where to Start

For those eager to dive into the enchanting world of Greek coffee, the journey should begin with some of the top coffee roasters in Greece, each offering a unique blend of tradition and modern flair. Whether you’re a seasoned coffee enthusiast or new to the scene, these establishments promise an unforgettable experience.


Mokka Specialty Coffee, with its rich history dating back to 1923, provides a quintessential Greek coffee experience. Located near the bustling Central Market in Athens, this roaster combines decades of expertise with a hearty embrace of modern trends. Patrons can expect to be intrigued by their high-quality Arabica beans, meticulously selected to deliver a thick, creamy cup with a pleasant aroma that resonates with every sip.

ANANA Coffee & Food

As a haven for vegetarian and vegan coffee lovers, ANANA Coffee & Food stands out amongst the best Greek coffee roasters. Emphasizing ethical sourcing and innovative preparation techniques, ANANA offers a delightful array of options that cater to a diverse palate. Here, coffee is not just a beverage but an experience, with flavors that reflect meticulous roasting methods and a passion for sustainability.

Roaster Established Specialties
Mokka 1923 High-quality Arabica beans, traditional methods
ANANA Coffee & Food 2017 Vegetarian and vegan-friendly options, ethical sourcing

These top coffee roasters in Greece embody the essence of Greek coffee culture. From Mokka’s historic charm to ANANA’s innovative approach, they represent the best Greek coffee roasters you shouldn’t miss. Whether exploring the Central Market’s vibrant surroundings or indulging in ethical coffee practices, starting your coffee journey here will be nothing short of delightful.

Best Hellenic Coffee Roasters for Connoisseurs

For those seeking the pinnacle of coffee excellence, Hellenic coffee roasters like Lumidi and Carpo truly stand out. Their dedication to quality is unmatched, providing connoisseurs with an exceptional experience grounded in expertly roasted beans and gourmet product pairings. The best Greek coffee roasters are renowned not just for their sumptuous brews but also for their commitment to innovation and tradition.

One cannot overlook the profound impact Nikos Psomas has had on the Greek coffee scene. Since 1999, he has been a driving force behind the specialty coffee culture in Greece. His accolades include four entries in the Cup of Excellence competitions and securing fifth place in the 2005 World Championship tasting. His expertise in roasting all varieties of coffee and cupping is unparalleled, making him a revered figure among the best Hellenic coffee roasters.

Beyond individual accolades, Nikos Psomas has also played a pivotal role in mentoring the next generation of Greek coffee enthusiasts. As part of the first group certified as a SCAE Authorized-Trainer in 2006, he has significantly contributed to the global coffee community. From 2010 to 2015, Psomas served as the SCAE National Coordinator, during which time the Greek team was honored with the Best Nation Award in 2011, 2012, and 2013, cementing their place among the elite in the world of coffee.

Greece’s coffee culture continues to thrive, largely thanks to the influential role of key figures like Nikos Psomas and exceptional coffee roasters like Lumidi and Carpo. These establishments not only provide superior quality coffee but also set the benchmark in the evolving landscape of specialty and premium coffee, ensuring that every coffee connoisseur’s journey through the best Hellenic coffee roasters is both enriching and invigorating.


What are the top coffee roasters in Greece?

Some of the top coffee roasters in Greece include Lumidi Coffee Roasters, Taf Coffee, Dope Roasting Co., and Samba Coffee Roasters. Each offers unique and exceptional coffee experiences, blending traditional Greek methods with modern techniques.

What makes Greek coffee roasting companies unique?

Greek coffee roasting companies are distinct due to their blend of tradition and modernity. Many like Lumidi Coffee Roasters combine time-honored roasting techniques with innovative practices to create rich, flavorful blends that reflect Greece’s vibrant coffee culture.

Which premium Greek coffee brands should I try?

Premium Greek coffee brands like ANANA Coffee & Food, Carpo, and Samba Coffee Roasters are renowned for their meticulous bean selection, distinctive flavors, and commitment to quality and sustainability.

Are there any notable artisan Greek coffee roasters?

Yes, notable artisan Greek coffee roasters include Monogram in Crete and Monk in Rhodes. They emphasize quality, single-origin beans, and innovative brewing techniques to deliver unique coffee experiences.

Which Athens coffee roasters should I visit?

When in Athens, be sure to visit Taf Coffee, Motiv, and Dope Roasting Co. Each offers a range of coffee experiences from traditional Greek brews to modern specialty blends, all within cozy and trendy settings.

What sets Greek specialty coffee roasters apart?

Greek specialty coffee roasters stand out with their dedication to the craft, often highlighting single-origin beans, thoughtful roasting methods, and innovative brewing techniques, ensuring a high-quality coffee experience.

What Thessaloniki coffee roasters are worth trying?

In Thessaloniki, Cultivos Coffee Shop and Cupaki Street Espresso are must-visit spots. They offer delightful brews, friendly service, and a welcoming atmosphere that makes them popular among locals and visitors alike.

Who are some notable Cretan coffee roasters?

Monogram in Chania is a standout among Cretan coffee roasters. They excel in delivering excellent single-origin coffees in a perfect setting for a coffee break, emphasizing the purity of the beans and the craft of roasting.

How do Greek coffee roasting companies impact the industry?

Greek coffee roasting companies like BeanHaus Coffee Roasters and Kross significantly impact the industry by blending traditional methods with global influences. They focus on quality, sustainability, and the promotion of third-wave coffee culture.

Where should I start my journey with Greek coffee?

For those new to Greek coffee, start with a visit to Mokka for a traditional experience and ANANA Coffee & Food for wonderful vegetarian and vegan options. Both offer a range of blends that cater to diverse tastes.

Who are the best Hellenic coffee roasters for connoisseurs?

For coffee connoisseurs, Lumidi and Carpo are top choices. They are known for their expertly roasted beans, gourmet product pairings, and commitment to quality, setting a high benchmark within the Greek coffee landscape.

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Celebrity Chef, Food Stylist, Recipe Developer Anna Maria Barouh is our guest on Cooking with Greek People. Anna-Maria is a regular on Greek Television and has a very popular food blog and is a magazine contributor. YouTube Episode: Cooking with Greek People YouTube Episode

Mastering Greek Coffee: From How to Make Greek Coffee at Home to Exploring Greek Coffee Varieties

Discover the art of Greek Coffee Sketos, the sweetness of Greek Coffee Vary Glykos, and the balance of Greek Coffee Metrios. Dive into the rich History of Greek Coffee and the cherished Greek Coffee Rituals. Visit the Famous Greek Coffee Shops and discover the Best Greek Coffee Roasters to complete your Greek coffee journey.

Author: Bob

With over 20 years in Bioinformatics and AI in Molecular Diagnostics, Bob Stavrou advises BiCos, focusing on authenticating OLIVE OIL DNA. He's also a passionate contributor to YouTube Cooking with Greek People and appeared on Greek TV show Savvatokiriako Me Ton Manesi, bridging science and culinary arts. Watch it on Alpha TV.

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