Psarosoupa Recipe – Greek-style Lemony Fish Soup

Imagine a warm, comforting bowl of soup that transports you to the sun-drenched shores of the Mediterranean. This is the essence of Psarosoupa Recipe, the Greek-style Lemony Fish Soup that has become a beloved delicacy among seafood enthusiasts and health-conscious diners alike. But what makes this dish so special, and why has it captivated the hearts and palates of so many?

Psarosoupa Recipe

Key Takeaways

  • Psarosoupa is a traditional Greek-style Lemony Fish Soup that combines fresh seafood, nutrient-rich vegetables, and the tangy Avgolemono sauce for a delightful flavor profile.
  • The soup features a variety of white fish, including Fagri (a type of white snapper) and Lavraki (Mediterranean Sea bass), which provide a delicate and mild taste.
  • The Avgolemono sauce, made with eggs and lemon, adds a bright and zesty kick to the broth, creating a harmonious balance of flavors.
  • Psarosoupa is not only a comforting and satisfying meal but also a nutritious one, packed with essential vitamins and minerals from the fresh ingredients.
  • This Mediterranean dish is a true representation of the region’s culinary traditions, showcasing the flavors and techniques that have been passed down for generations.


Psarosoupa: Greek Style Lemony Fish Soup

Psarosoupa, the Greek-style Lemony Fish Soup, is a beloved dish in the Mediterranean region. This comforting and flavorful Greek soup is a staple in Greek cuisine, often served as a starter or a light main course. The key to this recipe is the use of a variety of fresh fish, including Fagri (a type of white snapper) and Lavraki (Mediterranean Sea bass), which provide a mild and delicate flavor. The soup is also packed with other nutrient-rich ingredients like potatoes, carrots, and spinach, making it a wholesome and satisfying Mediterranean comfort food.

A Comforting and Flavorful Mediterranean Favorite

Psarosoupa is a beloved dish in the Greek culinary tradition, known for its bright, lemony flavor and nourishing ingredients. The soup’s origins can be traced back to the coastal regions of Greece, where freshly caught seafood and seasonal produce were readily available. Over time, this Psarosoupa recipe has become a cherished part of Greek culinary heritage, often served as a comforting and satisfying meal.

Ingredients and Preparation for Authentic Taste

To make this authentic Psarosoupa, you’ll need a combination of different types of fish, such as Fagri and Lavraki, which are commonly used in Greek cuisine. The fish is first boiled in water with bay leaves and peppercorns, and the resulting broth is strained. The vegetables, including onions, potatoes, carrots, and celery, are then added to the broth and simmered until tender. The shredded fish meat is then added back to the soup, and the traditional Avgolemono sauce, made with egg yolks and lemon juice, is incorporated to thicken and add a bright, lemony flavor to the dish.

Ingredient Quantity
Fagri (white snapper) 2 lbs
Lavraki (Mediterranean Sea bass) 1.5 lbs
Onions, diced 2 medium
Potatoes, peeled and diced 3 medium
Carrots, peeled and sliced 2 medium
Celery, sliced 2 stalks
Spinach, chopped 2 cups
Egg yolks 2
Lemon juice 1/4 cup
Bay leaves 2
Peppercorns 1 tsp
Salt to taste

By following this traditional Psarosoupa recipe, you can create a delicious and authentic Greek soup that will transport you to the warm, sun-drenched shores of the Mediterranean. The combination of fresh fish, aromatic herbs, and tangy lemon creates a truly comforting and flavorful Mediterranean comfort food experience.

The Art of Selecting the Perfect Fish

Crafting an authentic and delectable Psarosoupa, the beloved Greek-style lemony fish soup, begins with the careful selection of the right fish. While the traditional recipe calls for a combination of Fagri and Lavraki, the options for home cooks are delightfully versatile, allowing them to experiment and create their own unique variations.

Versatile Options for a Delicious Broth

In addition to the classic Fagri and Lavraki, the Psarosoupa broth can be made with a variety of other fish, including cod, halibut, and tuna. These alternatives offer different levels of sweetness, texture, and intensity, enabling home cooks to customize the soup to their personal preferences. For a richer, more stew-like consistency, mackerel can be used, although its robust flavor may not appeal to all palates. On the other hand, salmon adds a buttery, delicate quality to the broth.

When preparing the broth, it’s essential to first boil the fish, remove the bones and skin, and then shred the meat to be added back into the soup. This process ensures that the fish remains tender and flavorful, while the broth develops a rich, full-bodied taste.

By experimenting with different fish selections, home cooks can create their own unique and flavorful versions of this classic Greek soup, tailoring the soup ingredients and broth to their individual tastes and preferences.

“The key is to select fish with a mild, delicate taste that won’t overpower the other ingredients.”

Crafting the Perfect Avgolemono Sauce

The secret to the authentic flavor of Psarosoupa, the traditional Greek lemony fish soup, lies in the Avgolemono sauce. This creamy, tangy, and slightly thickened sauce is the result of whisking together egg yolks and lemon juice, then slowly incorporating it into the hot soup broth. The Avgolemono sauce not only adds depth and richness to the dish but also helps to create a velvety, comforting texture that perfectly complements the delicate flavors of the fish and vegetables.

Mastering the art of crafting the Avgolemono sauce is the key to achieving the perfect balance of flavors in the Psarosoupa. The process may seem delicate, but with a little practice, you can easily master this essential component of the dish.

The Ingredients and Technique for the Perfect Avgolemono Sauce

To make the Avgolemono sauce, you’ll need the following ingredients:

  • Egg yolks
  • Fresh lemon juice
  • A small amount of the hot soup broth

The technique for making the Avgolemono sauce is as follows:

  1. Whisk the egg yolks and lemon juice together in a bowl until well combined.
  2. Slowly ladle in a small amount of the hot soup broth, continuously whisking to temper the eggs and prevent them from curdling.
  3. Once the egg mixture has been tempered, slowly pour it back into the soup, whisking constantly to incorporate it seamlessly.
  4. The Avgolemono sauce will thicken the soup slightly, creating a rich, velvety texture.

The key to a successful Avgolemono sauce is to add the hot broth to the egg mixture gradually and whisk constantly to prevent the eggs from curdling. With a little practice, you’ll be able to achieve the perfect balance of tangy lemon and creamy richness that makes the Psarosoupa so irresistible.

Ingredient Quantity
Egg yolks 2-3
Fresh lemon juice 2-3 tablespoons
Soup broth 1/2 cup

“The Avgolemono sauce is the heart and soul of Psarosoupa. It’s the key to unlocking the authentic flavors of this beloved Greek dish.”

– Chef Maria Loi, renowned Greek chef and author

Serving Suggestions and Storage Tips

Psarosoupa, the delightful Greek-style lemony fish soup, is best enjoyed hot, garnished with fresh parsley and sliced lemon to provide a bright, refreshing finish. The soup’s flavorful broth can be perfectly complemented by the addition of crusty bread, which helps to soak up every last drop. For a heartier meal, consider serving the Psarosoupa alongside a side of rice or orzo pasta.

When it comes to storing any leftovers, the Psarosoupa can be refrigerated for up to 4-5 days or frozen for longer-term preservation. Remember to gently reheat the soup to avoid curdling the Avgolemono sauce. With its comforting flavors and versatility, Psarosoupa is a dish that can be savored year-round, making it a valuable addition to any home cook’s repertoire.

Whether you’re serving it hot or enjoying the leftovers, Psarosoupa is a dish that truly embodies the essence of Mediterranean cuisine. Its ability to be stored and reheated with ease further enhances its appeal, ensuring you can savor the delicious flavors whenever the craving strikes.


What is Psarosoupa?

Psarosoupa is a Greek-style Lemony Fish Soup that is a comforting and flavorful Mediterranean dish, perfect for seafood lovers and health-conscious diners.

What kind of fish is used in Psarosoupa?

The traditional Psarosoupa recipe calls for a combination of Fagri (a type of white snapper) and Lavraki (Mediterranean Sea bass), which provide a mild and delicate flavor to the dish.

What are the key ingredients in Psarosoupa?

In addition to the fish, Psarosoupa is packed with nutrient-rich ingredients like potatoes, carrots, and spinach, making it a wholesome and satisfying meal. The key to the authentic flavor is the use of the traditional Avgolemono sauce, which adds a bright, lemony kick to the broth.

Can I use other types of fish in Psarosoupa?

Yes, while the traditional recipe calls for Fagri and Lavraki, home cooks can experiment with other types of fish, such as red snapper, tilapia, cod, or halibut, to achieve a similar flavor profile.

What is the Avgolemono sauce and why is it important?

The Avgolemono sauce is a traditional Greek egg-lemon sauce that is whisked into the hot soup broth. It adds a creamy, tangy, and slightly thickened texture to the Psarosoupa, perfectly complementing the delicate flavors of the fish and vegetables.

How do I serve and store Psarosoupa?

Psarosoupa is best served hot, garnished with fresh parsley and sliced lemon for a bright, refreshing finish. The soup can be accompanied by crusty bread, and leftover soup can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 4-5 days or frozen for longer-term storage.
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Modern Twists on Traditional Greek Dishes A Fusion Guide 2

Healthy Greek Cooking for Modern Lifestyles

Greek cuisine is evolving with modern twists on traditional dishes, blending Mediterranean flavors with global influences. From quinoa moussaka to lentil dolmades, these recipes cater to health-conscious diners while preserving authentic tastes. Greek fusion recipes combine the bold flavors of Greece with the aromatic profiles of Asian ingredients, offering unique culinary experiences like miso-glazed lamb souvlaki and tzatziki-stuffed chicken skewers.

Vegan Greek recipes are transforming traditional dishes into plant-based versions, highlighting the versatility of Greek ingredients. For more details and recipes, visit the following links: Modern Greek Recipes, Modern Greek Salads, Easy Greek Dinners, Greek Breakfast Recipes, Greek-Inspired Cocktails, Greek BBQ Recipes, Greek Snack Recipes, Greek-Inspired Soups, Greek Pasta Dishes, and Greek-Inspired Pizza.

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Author: Bob

With over 20 years in Bioinformatics and AI in Molecular Diagnostics, Bob Stavrou advises BiCos, focusing on authenticating OLIVE OIL DNA. He's also a passionate contributor to YouTube Cooking with Greek People and appeared on Greek TV show Savvatokiriako Me Ton Manesi, bridging science and culinary arts. Watch it on Alpha TV.

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